Extra Activity B

Remember that in our first class we were discussing different ideas about learning English.

To follow up our discussion let's take a look to this video:


After watching the video I want you to think about this:

"English represents hope for a better future"

Do you agree or disagree with this idea? Post your 15 lined comment below.

21 comentarios:

  1. "English represents hope for a better future"

    Nowadays, english has become the most important language in the world. In my opinion, different aspects has allowed the english represents hope for a better future.
    Fistly, all countries are connected by globalization so, people have to sepack a common language.For example, when companies want to do business in another country, it is very important to speak english because it is the language of business.
    Then, it is easier to speak english when companies want to start negotiations with outsiders.
    Currently, our children and youth have to study english because they will have more opportunies to get a good job in the future. Hawover, some goverments in Latin America have not offered a good education for these people because English has not been important when young people are educated.
    In my opinion, english is neccesary in our lifes and we have to study this language if we want to have many opportunies and grow in our professional career. Today, companies need people speak english very fluently. Also, it is preferable to listen, understand and write correctly. Finally, we live in a globalized world so, we must to adapt to it.

  2. "English represents hope for a better future"
    Depending of what you want english could represent hope for a better future, for example in different careers of the TEC it is essencial write, speech and understand english, especially in technological careers, however there are some careers that english is not the most important thing, for example in this moment, I an coursing my final semester so I am looking for information about jobs, all the differents companies of construction that I see doesn't need people who speak english.
    So, based on the above I probably find a good job without the english.
    In other way, one important thing about the english is how this language have become in the universal language, so base in that you can said that english represents a better quality of life. For example like six months ago I had the opportunity to visit Peru, in my first day in Lima a women from Belgium asked to me help, nobody around the place spoke english, so I was there in a spanish country, speaking whit a women in english. In this moment I realize the importan to know other languege.
    In conclusion english doesn't mind a better life, but probably help, especial in a daily life.

  3. "English represents hope for a better future"

    I agree with the video, because I think that been able to communicate with people around the world is very helpful. As the lecturer stated, the English language is the World common language for solving World common problems. I believe that by this way common problems may be solved quickly. There are many other reasons that make this good, for example: in our lives as university students, there are many online help for learning such as tutorial videos, web applets and e-books. This stuff is often offered in English, because it can reach much more people than other language. Another reason whereby the "English mania" is good is travelling. When you travel to another country that speaks a language different to your native language. Because it will be hard to communicate with the local people and you may feel overwhelmed. But if instead, you speak English, there are great chances to at least find someone who can help you get by. And the last reason I'm going to show, and maybe one of the most important reasons for some people, is about jobs. Nowadays speaking a fluent English can help people get a good job, an even sometimes it's essential in order to get a job.

  4. People's communication is the key to the knowledge.
    If people's skills to communicate are good, the probabilities of reach an agreement are elevated. The first step for starting communication is the same idiom, of course. By the way, we can see international events such as, politics, sport, science, which use most of the time english as the official language. Some countries as China have adopted english like a mandatory second language. We don't have to assume this situation like a race between languages or countries trying to impose its idiom. Rather as a tool to solve problems easily and in a better way. It wasn't matter of one night to choose english as a global language, no, along the time the world has chosen it, we have chosen it. On the video someone says the phrase " I want to change my life" referring to learning english. It's a strong idea which involves english as an opportunity for getting a better job, to expand our knowledge or perhaps, like the expositor says, for entering to a "global conversation about global problems". With a national sight, Costa Rica is a country where tourism is very strong, so it doesn't matter if you don't work specifically in that area, it's probable that you find a foreigner on a street looking for help, I'm completely sure that english will be your "bridge" to help that person.

  5. "English represents hope for a better future"

    A language represents more than communication; it involves culture, history, interactions and many other things. Because of that, I think that learning any language will improve our understanding of the world and our life quality.
    English has became one of the most common languages in the world, only chinese and spanish have more speakers (but they are concentrated in specific areas, not as english, that is almost global). It doesn't matter how english became so important, the fact is that nowadays is the choice of many people as second language. That's the reason we can communicate with people around the world, and why there is so many information in english.
    For students, like me, being able to reach and share these knowledge is vital in our professional training. Also, it's not a secret that there are more job opportunities if you know more than your native language, especially English. Despite of this, I don't think that just speaking english means a better future for someone, because I have met succesful people that doesn't speak it. Finally, my opinion is that english just make our life a bit easier, specially in these days.

  6. I agree with that idea. In my personal opinion English is an universal language and for that reason it is necessary that people learn English because the companies prefer people that know it to communicate with other people and create commercial relationships and this situation produces that people can obtain better opportunities in future, better education for example for their children, also food in the table like Jay Walker said in the video.
    Besides it is important for example in accounting because companies need that people know all the ledger accounts in English to manage better the business.
    I know that nowadays the people who know English they are very competitive in this world job, also if people know English without study one career, they have more opportunities and it is easier to find a job. For that reason we have to study one career and also we have to study English to be competitive, because we are going to find with many people who are learning this language and we have to follow this example to look for a better job and life and of course we can offer a better live to our children. We have to learn from the Chinese people that they are learning English as a second language but they study very hard twelve hours per day, but they know that English is a hope for a better future.

  7. RICARDO CARRIOLS BRENES4 de febrero de 2015, 8:19 p.m.

    Learning English has becoming in something that everybody has listened about. In a globalized world, the needs of communication have becoming a problem. The use of a global language is something that solved the problem of communication. The power of English and why it became a language that many countries are adopting is because English started in England. People in the United States came from England and brought the language with them, to America. Also, Australian people came from England, too. In that way, a language that was only spoken in a country became a language that was spoken in three different countries in three different countries. From there, the language started getting power. Time later, the movement of people from one country to another, started making that language popular, and it became a language spoken worldwide.
    Nowadays, the use of English will give you a lot of opportunities. I agree in the idea of learning English for a better future, because many people are learning it. I think that the power that has this language is because many people adopted it and started talking it. I think should be any other language. But the society choose English and that is why we are learning it.

  8. "English represents hope for a better future"

    Definitely if we want to have a better future we have to speak many languages, at least two, the principal English because it's considerer the universal language or global language, or like in the video, the language of problems solving.
    Nowadays in our country there are many transnational companies in which it's very important to employees to talk english, the people in this companies can have a better salary than in others nationals.
    In the video the man said that 2 billion of people around the world try to learn English, because represents an oportunity for a better life, that help us to communicate with persons around the world, make friends easily for example.
    also can help in a trip because if we stay in other country with a unknown language but we talk English with surely can talk witn someone. So I think that it's very important.

  9. I think that the man of the video is right because is important that everybody has a language in common to communicate them. The English is the second language most commonly spoken in the word, and most of people of different countries, mainly of Latin America and Asia, are learning how to speak it. It is happening maybe because the United States (where the native language is English) is the world power, and the other countries are forced to speak the same language mainly to do businesses.
    Nowadays, in all the countries exist big problems, such as pollution, poverty, wars… that incumbent the entire world, and everybody should get together to solve them; so is really necessary that people of different places understand each other to reach agreement about the best solutions to the problems.
    Therefore, I agree about the expression “English represents hope for a better future” because if we need to communicate with other people around the world, the best language to do that is the English, and thanks to this it is probably that a day on the future everybody can understand the importance of get together to live in a best place.

  10. "English represents hope for a better future"

    This phrase is deeper than we think, and of course i'm totally agree with it, that's why i'm taking this course. In the past when i was a child in my school, i do not recieved english classes because it was a public school, so my parents took me out from my soccer school, and forced me to take english lessons, at the beginning i really hate that, because i was a child and i just wanted to play, but in high school i started english lessons, and the english that i learned before in childhood helped me a lot to pass the course, but i still hated it, then when i came into TEC was a requisite for my career to take this CONARE course, and i was not very happy, but now i am totally grateful with all ways that the english has been in my life, because now i work for a company where the most common language used is english, i appreciate that for those experiences, now i have the opportunity of this job, and off course the opportunity to grow professionally, because is evident the important of this language for my future.

    Nowadays i always talk to people about the importance to learn to speak english, because it opens the world for everyone, does not matter what kind of work we are looking for, the english is the most important tool to take advantage among other people.

  11. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  12. The video present a reality that is not only in one country it is like a virus that is expanding around the world and it is probably because USA for many years has been one of the power a country of the world. People need a common language to communicate with other people of other countries so in this moment English is an easy language that is used by lots of people. Nowadays many countries have in their educational system English as a second language that students must learn; some of those countries are located in Latin America and Asia. One reason of the use of English language is to do business between many countries.
    Nowadays, if people don’t have a second language, it can reduce many opportunities of job or have good position in a company due to I agree with this phrase "English represents hope for a better future" but it doesn’t represent that only with that we will have a better future, I think that is only a tool to improve opportunities in many aspects.
    Other aspect to take in consideration is that English is losing its power and another countries are taking it, so I think that in some years later there will be another important language that we must be learn to improve ourselves.

  13. "English represents hope for a better future"

    I agree with it,english is becoming more and more popular each day and that´s something that we can´t change, so all we have to do is to addapt to the new situation. When you look at information in the web, you can see that most of this info is in English and usually it is the most important, when you buy new videogames, the majority of them are in english. If you are planning to go and study in other country with a scholarship, most of the times you need to approve an english exam, because maybe the University or highschool is going to teach you in that lenguage. If you are trying to find a new job, you will have better opportunities if you know English, so yes, English represents hope for a better future.

    Depending on your way to see this situation, you can say if it´s good or bad. That´s because the world is forcing you to learn English, and most of the cases it represents to spend money and sadly some people can´t afford that situation. But as Kay Walker said in the video, English can represents an union between people, because all the people in the world are finding a language that most people can understand.

  14. "English represents hope for a better future".
    These sentence is a really nowadays, first of all, English not just means other language, means job, travel and business too, it means new opportunities for better jobs and a better salary, the chance to share knowledge with many people around the world, and can understand any simple new discover around the earth, just because you know English. Also when you are bilingual you can communicate with almost most of the people, for these reason English let you more opportunities to meet foreign people or if you want travel around the world and you are the foreign, might converse with other.
    The video said that we are a English mania, but why? Personally I think, people now know the big advantage to learn a second language, it isn´t casuality because it do not helps only by hobby, if not in many dangerous or important situations, that requires global solucion, about global problems.
    English can be an excellent tool to say, I can get a better opportunities in my life, therefore it is hope for a better future

  15. Allen Sánchez Granados5 de febrero de 2015, 8:32 p.m.

    It´s simple... English is spoken around the world. A better future means that people can have their food, thier clothes, thier house, education, etc. and it could be gotten with a better job.

    A good job comes with a good knowlege, in this case, I mean English. If you know English, you are able for working in anywhere. In a global world, we need to spek the same language that the rest of the people, and so we can communicate to the people.

    Chinese people have seem that speak English, is get bussines with the rest of the world. For example, here, in Costa Rica, all the business with China, are in English. English looks for solutions for other countries.

    I think English will be the comun langage in some future. Humans need to counicate, and solve problems, which, everyday there are more. I proud I am learnig English, I am assuring a better future. However, we have to motivate and help to some generations before us, because they did´nt imagine what important was studying English for the future.

  16. Nowadays, having a second language is very important for the life of all the people. With that you can increase your opportunities in different things. For example you can find a job in other country and have a lot of experiences. Also you can know different people and cultures, have a conversations in other countries and increase your knowledge in some areas.
    You can learn speak portuguese, italian, english, German, spanish or other language, all depends about your priorities and wishes.
    However, we are in a global world, we have global problems, so we need a universal language.
    Politic, religion, history and entertainment, are same things for people of different countries and we need to find the way for have same information for all. For that, English is the best option, because is the most common language in the world, you can find information about everything in English..
    If you know English, you can participate to solve global problems and have global conversations.
    This language is opening the door of the world. So I think that is very important for all the people, regardless of age, learn English and practice it. But is most important educate children with English, because they were the future of the world.

  17. "English represents hope for a better future"

    English improve our lives, this language has been increasing speakers for several years ago and the reason why it has become very important on the world wide is because more than 2 billion of persons are learning it. I agree, English represents hope for a better future because it isn't just a common language.
    It could help us on a lot of themes, for example, when you are looking to study a career that the important information and researches are in English. Also when you travel to other country where the national language is not Spanish, we should talk other language to communicate with them. Most important, better life benefits, when you would like to get a well-paid job where the English skills are mandatory. Actually, the governments have been implementing English from elementary school and China’s students start learning it from third grade.
    I knew a person that he was going to study English just for communicate with foreign people, he wasn’t interested to apply the skills on a job or studies. Reasons for study English can change with personal purposes.
    For me, English is necessary in our lives. If you would like to get a well-paid job you should speak English. This language is around us and we should link up with it.

  18. English represents hope for a better future
    Well, I agree with this idea, nowadays the globalization is connecting all the people, towns, cities and countries, that’s the reason for take the English like a second language for the world, a language for we understand the world and the world can understand us.
    Personally, for me it’s very important, because I’m very interest in a lot of investigation in new technologies and is quite easy find information in a single language instead of two or three different languages. For that reason is why a great part of jobs I want, ask me about the level of English, so for me, speak and understand English is an opportunity to get a better job.
    Also, like the individual in the video said, the world can resolve their problems if all can speak the same language, the social problems, pollution, drugs and many others situations can’t be solve if the countries don’t have a good communication.
    We have the technology’s power with smartphones, computers, internet and a many other devices; and hundreds of different ways to transportation to connect the people around the world, and now we only need a bridge to communicate with anyone in the world, and this English mania looks like this bridge.

  19. "English represents hope for a better future"

    In our country, this idea is completely true if you want a good job or good education. Like we see in our lives, since we started the school, we could see like the english appeared in differente aspects. Now when we are finish our carrer, we can see this more closer than ever when we go at some interview for found a job or when we investigate about topic for the final courses, all the information or almost all are in english.

    The english has become in the global leanguage for the music, business and communication in general and for this reason we have to improve our skills because sometimes is more common that some companies work with people connected around the world and the only and more easy lenguage for communicate all together is like as expected, the english and no only in the business happens this, if you travel at other city or meet different people probabily the way to talk with they more fluency are the english.

    For all this aspects I consider the idea of the english like better future and opportunities true and I don't doubt about spend time and money improving mi habilities with the english, because it are help a lot in my future,

  20. For me English is a language that has much importance, Mainly because the primer Reason That I think so, “it gives us best job opportunities , from both abroad and in our country.

    Another reason I think is the new learning cultures, because is being very common language in most of countries , becomes necessary and practical learn in case that you travel around the world.

    The English has transcended to stay in that position of importance. All move aroud English, business, culture, work, information…

    Personally I think that English is a language very easy to learning as you practice it, and really beautiful because his words and generally give us a beautiful pronunciation.

  21. on my own opinion the english is just a tool to aim to a better future, as a good education.
    as mentioned in the video, English is the language of business simply because the country recognized as an economic power is English- speaking. other great economic power has been China, but to maintain relations with North America, has had to adopt English language, that does not represent a barrier in the negotiations.

    being able to speak English and a second language greatly increases the chances of success in a global society, which is necessary to communicate with people in other countries
    however it is not entirely necessary to speak or master English, as there are currently many technological tools that can translate almost any language to English, even with voice command. also we see day to day these tools are getting better and more effective by the need to speak English
